TND Blog2022-01-05T14:09:34+00:00

PowerPoint Makeover: An agenda is a useful thing

Even in a short presentation an agenda is a nice little tool to keep your audience engaged and to help you stay on track – especially for online offerings.

These slides were from a critical presentation made by an agricultural manufacturer to their nationwide distribution network representatives.

The original agenda unfortunately sets the audience up for another one of those dreadful PowerPoint presentations we have all come to hate.

As you can see in the final, the upgraded the look, adding a bold image and developing a definite style changed the entire tone of the presentation.

There are a few points that make agendas very valuable for the presenter.

  • They give an organized, structured feel to the presentation
  • Agendas keep the viewer engaged by offering them a roadmap of where you are going
  • You can bring back the agenda at appropriate times to show the progress of the presentation
  • You can tease upcoming topics to further increase audience attention

Here’s the technique: When the agenda is first shown at the beginning, the presenter can quickly walk through each item and give a quick synopsis of the information to come. This strategy can hook your viewers into paying attention for critical upcoming content. Use a build on the slide (revealing one item on your list at a time) to keep their focus where you want it.

Bring back the agenda slide at transition points to show progress and to offer a welcome change of pace as you move into your new topic. This can also be a good time for a short Q&A session or Chat comments

Let me help you discover how amazing your online slide presentation can become…

If you deliver ideas, presentations or sales pitches online these days then you probably know your old slide deck from your live presentations is, well, old and tired. And boring and ineffective.

I can help you upgrade that presentation so that it holds your audience’s attention, showcases your brilliance and powerfully delivers your message.

To get started all you need to do is schedule an affordable Presentation Review Call with me.

We will spend 60 minutes discussing your presentation and your goals. It will be all about you — no heavy-handed sales. We will see where your strengths and your weaknesses lie. And we will discuss how we can take your pitch or presentation to an amazing level of professionalism and effectiveness.

If we decide to work together that would be terrific. If not, that’s fine too. I promise you this: this call will be the most valuable hour or so you could possibly spend both on your presentation and on your business. The small fee can be applied to any future work.

You will be amazed at how powerful and effective your presentations will become.

And it all starts with a one-on-one strategy call.

Go here to learn more

To your success,

Sales pitch logic

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Sales pitch logic

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