Online, no one can see your Batman pajamas
The first time I sat in on an NSA (National Speakers Association) meeting I heard the master storyteller, Lou Heckler, speak.
I was instantly addicted.
In subsequent meetings, I heard dozens of other speakers who could hold an audience with their words and presence and elevate our spirits and our actions.
In my years since as a presentation designer (words, actions and slides) and coach I would often be asked to take an in-person, live presentation and help modify for video or online.
Online, there are many differences from in-person presentations. Some large and some subtle.
The one that trips many people up as they move online is the idea that making the same personal, human connection with your audience or viewers is almost completely nullified. Real, online connection is difficult.
Focus instead on engagement.
If you want to deliver your content, solve problems, change lives or sell stuff – think engagement.
You must keep their eyeballs on you and their screen. Not their phone, not their email and certainly not their cat.
The first tools at your disposal are to change your script and your slides to provide a stream of value that your viewers cannot afford to miss. Maybe tease them with something valuable at the end. Keep your stories short and pointed. Use the platform tools like chat, surveys, whiteboards and breakouts to move the conversation along.
Perhaps your message should be simpler and more concentrated. Your pace quick and varied.
There are dozens of ways to play this. Who knows, these skills may even translate well when we get back to speaking to a room of living, breathing people.
But for now, focus on engagement. Keep ‘em watching.
To your success,
P.S. I have been busy finishing my brandy-spanking new 4-Day Crash Course: How to Present Online. It is loaded with solid step-by-step strategies and techniques for building and delivering your pitch, presentation, interview, livestream, video or whatever you are doing online.
It is super cheap. Check it out at
It will be available starting Monday, June 15th. But if you are crazy enough to sign up now, I will give you 50% off this week only.
It will cover all sorts of cool stuff like how to get better on-camera, how to build a pro studio in your spare bedroom, how to modify your script and your slides, how to learn about your audience, even how to practice for maximum effect and become the real you. There are 5 amazing bonuses worth the price all by themselves. And there is a no-risk guarantee if you are still unsure.
Go to and use the code 4DAY50 for your discount.
You will become an online superstar.
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