Using slides online? Be a pro — be ready.
I am sometimes cranky. Hmmmm. OK – often cranky.
But sometimes, with good reason.
Coaching presenters in the live, non-online world, I would tell them that fumbling with their laptop to get their PowerPoint running when in front of their audiences is an amateur move.
Plus, it is so easy to correct and the effect is substantial.
Imagine a speaker being introduced, then stepping to the front of the room. They mumble something about “hanging on for a second” while they get their Windows ’95 laptop working.
Five minutes later they find the file, load it and get it projected on the screen. Opps… wrong file.
Bad form.
Now imagine that same presenter stepping up and starting powerfully and effortlessly with just a click of the ol’ clicker.
That’s a pro move.
We can almost do a similar deal online. Almost. And it will also make us look like the cool, seasoned professional that we are.
Let’s say you are being introduced in a Zoom presentation. Have your PowerPoint loaded and ready to go. Turn off all the other apps in the background. Then when you share, switch to the PowerPoint screen, punch in presenter mode and you are off and running.
Smooth move.
It’s all about looking your best and smoking your competition.
To your success,
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