TND Blog2022-01-05T14:09:34+00:00

The real reason you shouldn’t buy lottery tickets

I imagine I will get a lot of push back for the first part of this. Bring it. There’s a point to be made later on about presenting, if you will indulge me.

You shouldn’t buy lottery tickets.

This isn’t about spending your hard-earned money on a losing proposition. This isn’t even about whether or not the government should be taking money from the people who can least afford it.

This is about a much more insidious evil that buying a lottery ticket inflicts on our minds.

It gives us a Plan B.

If you believe, like I do, that to be anything or accomplish anything worthwhile in this world you have to be “all in”, then you will realize that buying a lottery ticket gives you an out. It steals just a tiny bit of your psychic energy. Your power of focus.

You are the commander of your life, your success and your future. In spite of all the bad that could happen (and as we have recently seen, there is lots), you are still in control if you want it.

Buying a lottery ticket sets up a little loop in your mind that says if this real-world thing doesn’t work out, maybe, just maybe, I can win the big one. The gods may pity me and send me a million bucks.

Here’s what this has to do with presenting – especially now that we are confronted with this tipped upside-down world.

I love speaking — in-person, standing before and speaking to a bunch of live, breathing people is the best high there is. When you can offer something of value that changes lives you are snorting some serious mojo.

That’s gone right now. For a while.

I, we need to get over it. It ain’t coming back for a while. And the longer we pine away, we are sucking our focus from using this amazing new tool we have – online.

I know there are a lot of negatives to a Zoom meeting. A lot. But it is the new tool. Online presentation is the hammer we have right now and if we embrace it’s abilities and functions, get really, really good at it and forget about “when things open up” we will be way ahead in the race to live again.

Do ya think just one Powerball ticket would hurt?

To your success,


New Course Sessions will be all live streamed…

First off, a big thank you to everyone who participated in my latest course about presenting well online. THANK YOU ALL!

Due to multiple requests the next session of my 4-Day course – “Secrets to Delivering Brilliant Online Pitches and Presentations” will be all LIVE STREAMED. Each day’s lessons will be in a live webinar format – approximately 1-hour long. Attendees will be encouraged to ask questions for immediate feedback or to email questions for an email response.

If you can’t make it — it will all be recorded and online for you to review at any time.

Much will stay the same:

  • Extensive MasterClass content delivered on 4 consecutive days (each webinar will be approximately an hour)
  • Pretty much anything you need or want to know so that you can become a top-notch online presenter
  • Live Q&A will be included
  • If you can’t make it…Everything will be recorded and available for 1 year.
  • Webinars begin Monday, July 13, 2020 for 4 consecutive days
  • Registration closes Midnight ET, Saturday, July 11
  • Extra Low fee (plus a $50 discount)

More info later but if you can’t wait, go to to get full information and to register.


Are you a Non-Profit Organization? Want to attend my course at no fee? There are limited slots in my upcoming course for those on my list who are part of nonprofit organizations who could benefit from enhancing their online presentation skills.

Please contact me at to make arrangements.





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