TND Blog2022-01-05T14:09:34+00:00

Some things don’t translate well…

In the pre-virus, semi-sane world from a few months ago the galaxy’s best speakers ruled the stage at all the premiere meetings.

Their weapon of choice? Signature stories.

Professional speakers spend years building, crafting and fine-tuning their signature stories. They are often detailed and lengthy with a huge moral lesson at the end that cements the presenter’s message. They are wonderful. Inspiring. Life-changing.

But those fancy-pants stories don’t work that well online.

Online people are busy, distracted and want instant content. So, the signature story has to be reworked, re-tweaked and polished for the new medium.

This is exactly the type of content I will dive deep into in my upcoming 4-Day Live MasterClass: How to Deliver Brilliant Online Pitches and Presentations.

Stories are a presenter’s most powerful tool, but if none of the goldfish minded attendees on your webinar are paying attention, what good do they do?

So, I invite you to learn about stories, audiences, confidence, structure, openings, closings, on-camera presence, studio equipment, PowerPoint and a gazillion other techniques and strategies for the brave new world of online.

Go here to find out more and register:

  • 4 live, 1-hour presentations delivered over 4 consecutive days with live Q&A
  • Begins Monday, July 13, 2020
  • If you can’t make it, everything is recorded for later viewing
  • Sign up closes Saturday, Midnight ET July 11, 2020
  • There is a sizable discount coupon and a no risk guarantee.

Go. Register. Become an online presentation superhero.


Your success is waiting patiently.


The ONE Thing

Gary Keller is the co-founder and chairman of the board [...]

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