This one simple habit can supercharge your presentations
I was not a very good student. I didn’t do my homework. I cut up in class. I didn’t pay attention to boring lectures. And I took terrible notes.
The fact that I have two Ivy League doctoral level degrees still astonishes me.
Just kidding, I barely made it out with my BA degree from State U.
But I kind of turned that around. When I stumbled upon design and then public speaking, I became a rabid learner. I guess it is just a matter of making the right connection and getting motivated.
There happens to be a habit or technique I have developed over the years that has helped me immeasurably to become a much better designer, speaker and PowerPoint poobah.
And it is so simple to implement.
Do a written debrief. Of your presentations. Of other people’s presentations. Of any major event, either good or bad, that you might be able to learn from.
I often do a top ten list: “Ten things I learned from seeing Joe, Speaker Boy at Acme Parachutes corporate event.” These lists usually end up being much more than ten observations but the idea of debriefing my crowded brain and writing them down forces me to rethink what I had recently seen and put it into lessons to be learned.
I keep a notebook with all these lists. I write them usually within the next day. And I must admit, I almost never go back to read them.
But the act of formally noting these lessons and writing them down burns them into my mind.
There is always something to learn and when you see the world’s best, or the world’s worst, or actually just about anything there are valuable take-aways.
And you can write that one down.
Here’s another one to write down…
Get some serious coaching and a sample revise of 3 of your PowerPoint slides at ½ off my normal rates.
The best way to decide if I can help you with your presentation or with your slides is to have a simple introductory call. I call it a discovery call. And it’s free.
This 30- to 60-minute call is all about you. Your skills, your presentations, your audiences, your weaknesses and your strengths — whatever. It’s all coaching and listening. No selling allowed.
If we decide there is an opportunity to help you reach your goals faster and more effectively then I can offer you additional coaching services that will supercharge your presentation efforts and help you stand far above your peers and your competition.
If not, then you will still have what I promise will be the most valuable 30-60 minutes you could spend on your presentations or your career.
In addition, my 3 Slide PowerPoint Revision is ½ half off my normal fee until Friday, August 7, 2020.
You can use these slides as is or to rework your entire presentation. Plus, they will be an inexpensive introduction into how I can help you and your slides conquer the world – either online or for in-person presentations.
Use these visuals to start to build your best ever slide deck. Slides that will show you as a top-notch professional – the superstar of your industry or subject area.
This is a super easy way for you to revise your choice of three slides from your deck. I personally will update them, rework them and make them clear, powerful and beautiful for you. They will be fully editable and immediately useable for your very next presentation.
Note: complex charts or infographics may require an additional fee – but most do not.
To find out more and to book your free Discovery Call just go here:
Remember the ½ off for the 3 Slide PowerPoint Revision is only good until Friday, August 7, 2020.
Read all about it, sign up, pick a date and off we go to superhero land.
See ya there.
How simple is that?
Stay safe and happy today,
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