//Question every slide

Question every slide

Question every slide

As you add, edit or review your slides here are 2 quick questions you can ask about each slide to see if it is just right for your presentation:

  1. What is the POINT? Does this slide have a single, clear, easily communicated message for your audience? Is it congruent with the goals of the presentation? Does it simply make sense for where it is and what it is saying?
  2. Where is the POWER? Does this slide deliver its message powerfully and efficiently? Are the graphics unambiguous and professional? Is the wording simple, direct and short? Can your audience “get it” quickly and with impact?

This simple 2 question POWER POINT? routine can help you focus and streamline your slide deck and then deliver your ideas clearly and directly.

By |2018-12-07T19:38:39+00:00March 3rd, 2018|Daily emails|Comments Off on Question every slide

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