//Q and A and a comment

Q and A and a comment

Q and A and a comment

The typical question and answer portion of a presentation is at the very end of the speech. It generally begins with a few relevant questions but often devolves into rambling, random, narrowly-focused or self-serving inquiries. In any case, Q and A sessions are frequently very low energy conclusions to your time in front of your audience. Not a great way to finish.

The old show business maxim of opening strong and finishing even stronger is a good model.

Here is a technique that many pros use: Try taking questions just before your big close. Tell your listeners that you have time for a few questions and then you want to deliver a final concluding comment. After a reasonable time fielding inquiries announce you can take one more and that you will be available after the presentation for more interaction. Manage this time carefully to avoid the slow draining of your presentation’s energy.

Then deliver your knock-it-out-of-the-park, well-rehearsed, wrap-it-all-up conclusion.

By |2018-12-07T19:39:41+00:00December 6th, 2015|Daily emails|Comments Off on Q and A and a comment

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