//Imagine: A great way to start

Imagine: A great way to start

Imagine a great way to start

Janice stepped to the front of the stage and asked: “Imagine what our world would be like if all the energy we used was clean and renewable?”

This is a great example of one of my favorite starting strategies — asking the audience to imagine a difficult situation or problem and then to visualize the solution that we wish them to discover. It may begin with a slide like this that invites them into the story we are presenting. On possibly begin with only a simple verbal invitation.

Visually, this opening slide may be the only image they see throughout the entire verbal discussion. Or I may walk them through my example slide by slide.

Whichever way it is done, asking your listeners to step into your story and take a trip with you, the way Janice did, is a powerful way to bring your message to life in their minds.





By |2018-12-07T19:39:08+00:00November 26th, 2016|Daily emails|Comments Off on Imagine: A great way to start

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