//First, shoot your computer

First, shoot your computer

First, shoot your computer

A slide can be used to dramatically and intentionally exaggerate your point. A startling image can help to grab your viewers’ attention and burn a key idea into their minds.

I use this slide to transition into one of my major concepts: that a well-crafted presentation should be written and fine-tuned without first turning on PowerPoint. The default, of course, is the opposite – most of us fire up the laptop and begin writing directly into our presentation software (PowerPoint or Keynote). Big mistake. Make your speech work first on its own merits – add visuals, when needed, as you rehearse and edit.

So to drill the idea into my viewers’ consciousness, I use this slide to dramatically get their attention and then qualify the extreme with the actual concept.

Of course, don’t shoot your computer – but it would be fun…

By |2018-12-07T19:39:40+00:00December 19th, 2015|Daily emails|Comments Off on First, shoot your computer

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