/Tom Nixon

About Tom Nixon

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So far Tom Nixon has created 302 blog entries.

Your message should be heard and seen

There is a magical, left-brain/right-brain effect that using words plus images can have on your communication efforts. The words and logic appeal to our need to have the facts and to reason our decisions. At the same time images can build passion, emotion and feelings.

Effective salespeople know the value of appealing to emotions while at the same time helping their clients justify their decisions with logic. That is why you must sit in a new car in the showroom (and hopefully fall in love) before you can start negotiating.

The magic of words plus images. The potential of good PowerPoint.

By |2018-12-07T19:39:49+00:00April 15th, 2013|Daily emails|Comments Off on Your message should be heard and seen

Einstein forgets his keys

I cannot imagine that Albert never misplaced his keys. Or walked into a room and couldn’t remember why he was there. What hope do the rest of us mortals have?
There are two ideas worth noting in this slide: 1) Using quotes is a great way to make a point while leveraging someone else’s expertise and 2) Images can add a point of humor to your presentation without the need for you to actually tell a joke.
By |2018-12-07T19:39:52+00:00April 8th, 2013|Daily emails|Comments Off on Einstein forgets his keys