/Tom Nixon

About Tom Nixon

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Send a message

Send a message

Okay. Okay. It is a cheap trick to use a slide like this to get your attention. But I think it works.

The point is, what we show can speak volumes before we even open our mouths. A humorous image, a quality photo, a well-thought out and drawn graph sets the audience up to look for quality and professionalism in your presentation. A good client of mine has called this the “subliminal effect” — it starts things off proving to your viewers just how good you are without you having to use the words.

Avoid amateurish art, design, cartoons and photos. Go for quality and send a powerful message.

By |2018-12-07T19:39:47+00:00February 16th, 2014|Daily emails|Comments Off on Send a message

Don’t show me that same old PowerPoint, Buddy!

Don't show me the same old PowerPoint

The good news is: the bar has been set so low. We have all come to expect and dread that boring, endless procession of text and chart-filled slides matched with the drone of the presenter. This is your chance to stand ahead of your competition and build a “rock their world” presentation. Tell stories, use big bold images, keep your slides simple so that your audience can stay focused on you and fine-tune your one big idea so that it resonates down to their socks. It will set you and your organization apart as world-class. And it’s fun. That’s the good news.

The not so good news: it is also work. Sometimes hard work. But hey, if it were easy everyone would be doing it.

It’s your turn to shine.

By |2018-12-07T19:39:47+00:00July 26th, 2013|Daily emails|Comments Off on Don’t show me that same old PowerPoint, Buddy!

Time flies

Time flies

There are often dozens of ways to display the same words. Your choice of image can make for a dead serious or a comedic delivery. Or anywhere in between that might suit your message.


By |2018-12-07T19:39:48+00:00June 6th, 2013|Daily emails|Comments Off on Time flies

Rock Star

Rock Star

This slide could be a call-out to a valued employee at your next staff meeting — recognizing her hard work and bravery above and beyond.

In this case it is my wife, Shirley, the Rock Star, during our recent trip to Havasu Falls at the Grand Canyon. She is standing on a rock ledge overlooking a straight drop of at least a million feet (I was much too anxious to get that close).

A simple slide like this shown to your employees says so much more about your commitment to and appreciation of them than just a simple mention.

It is the incredible power of words plus images.


By |2018-12-07T19:39:48+00:00May 8th, 2013|Daily emails|Comments Off on Rock Star