//A few useful photography tips…

A few useful photography tips…


When creating an effective visual presentation (a.k.a. PowerPoint) it is extremely helpful to have sources of good images to draw from. Access to a good stock image house is more than helpful. So is a good set of photography skills. Being able to take reasonably high-quality photos of coworkers, processes, locations, products and the like is a real ace-in-the-hole when assembling a presentation. And with today’s amazingly advanced cameras, it has never been easier.

A few tips:

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  • Get close. Many part-time photographers can be intimidated by their subjects and often rely on standing back and using a telephoto lens. Good things happen when you get up close and personal. Use the wide-angle setting on your zoom, fill the frame and you will become more involved with your subject — especially if it happens to be a human. Your images will reflect that intimacy.
  • Scan your frame. As you set up the shot in your viewfinder take a second and scan the frame. See what is in and what is out. Look for distractions and bad positioning. Shoot a few extra shots to make sure you have it. Film is cheap. (Oh, wait, that’s what I was told back in the day.)
  • Look for the story. Your photos can deliver a powerful message when they are aligned with the words you are delivering from the podium. Try to create images that tell that story clearly and powerfully.

An addendum: As you look around be aware of what makes a good image and how others tell their stories photographically. Apply those lessons to your attempts.

And a little practice is good too.

By |2018-12-07T19:39:08+00:00December 3rd, 2016|Daily emails|Comments Off on A few useful photography tips…

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