//Transitions — a great place to start rebuilding your slides

Transitions — a great place to start rebuilding your slides


Imagine the typical slide deck with 20 or 50 or 70 text-filled slides. Some of them bullets, some just chock-full of text, maybe a few PowerPoint generated charts and graphs — all displayed on the same bland, mind-numbing template. Where do you begin the process of rebuilding? How do you start opening the presentation up, making it more engaging, viewer-friendly and less boring?

One way to reboot this snooze-fest is to add some interest with transition slides. Transition slides signal you are moving from one subject area to the next. Adding these slides won’t immediately require you to rework your content (you may want to do that later as you upgrade your entire presentation) but you can add an interesting generic image, some color and possibly a visual change of pace to the long progression of text slides. This could be especially helpful if you are locked into a template that makes each slide visually identical except for different text.

Now with some dramatically different transition slides in place every 5, 10 or 15 minutes, you have begun to break up the long dreadful march of almost identical visuals. Your audience will thank you for it.

By |2018-12-07T19:38:54+00:00April 29th, 2017|Daily emails|Comments Off on Transitions — a great place to start rebuilding your slides

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