//Learning from my mistakes the easy way

Learning from my mistakes the easy way

I think this is an idea I stole from friend and humorist Jon Schwartz (aka Vinni Verelli). He would tell his class of up and coming speakers how he would always voice-record his gigs and then listen to them on the way back home. He would especially listen for laughter because you can never remember what draws laughs and what doesn’t in the moment. You have to listen and learn later.

So, I came up with this slight modification.

I like to wake up very early and have “me time.” That usually means watching videos of homeless dogs rescued by the side of some road in Romania to writing about stuff. Any stuff.

I am sure it was after a presentation I made and the next morning I was writing something like this:

“Ten things I learned from speaking to the Solid Waste Management Association.” (This was a real gig. Ah, the life of a speaker.)

And I wrote my list. I only got to five. But when I forced myself to write all ten, I really got to some of the interesting stuff.

  • Slide showing worker at landfill connects more than just landfill image. (people like seeing people they might work with)
  • Making book giveaway for asking best question added energy and fun.
  • Everyone loves their world even if it stinks like garbage.

The point is it was a debrief. I was writing down and burning into my memory details I would surely either not remember or maybe not have ever noticed.

This is a great way to learn effortlessly.

I encourage just about everyone I coach or speak to about presenting to try it. If you are a student of this speaking thing or you just simply want to get better at communicating, then do a quick debrief on the way home or in the next day or so after an event of any significance.

I have a bunch of journals with these lists in them. The truth is I never go back and review. I don’t have to. Just making and writing the list is enough to learn the point.

And here is an old school tip: Write them down longhand. Yikes, I know. But it works.

More profound, semi-profound and stolen ideas can be found here: https://ready2speak.com

Merry Christmas and all other seasonal celebrations,


By |2019-12-24T13:28:08+00:00December 24th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Learning from my mistakes the easy way

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