//5 steps to fix your PowerPoint: Step 5 – Rehearse

5 steps to fix your PowerPoint: Step 5 – Rehearse

Practice, practice, practice

“An amateur practices until he can do a thing right, a professional until he can’t do it wrong.”

The above quote, variously ascribed, says it quite nicely: practice, practice and then practice some more. It is the secret to a great presentation — but when there is PowerPoint involved, it becomes crucial. It helps you know your material, know your transitions, and build your confidence.

Rehearsal shows opportunities for editing and improving. I find practice opens the door to including humor, discovering connections and adding deeper insights. It is almost impossible to over-rehearse.

Try various methods: use audio and/or video recording, perform in-front of a mirror, on a walk or just with your dog as an audience, or with a trusted, but fair, friend.  I find setting up a video camera, recording and then viewing to be a most powerful, if somewhat uncomfortable, tool. It is also important that you speak your material out loud — don’t just run through it in your mind as you advance the slides.

Take advantage of the professional’s secret weapon: practice, practice and then practice some more. Put in the work — it will be worth it.

By |2018-12-07T19:39:10+00:00September 15th, 2016|Daily emails|Comments Off on 5 steps to fix your PowerPoint: Step 5 – Rehearse

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